Updating URLs in bulk can drive organic traffic to your website. Using our tool, digital professionals can convert keywords into a slug format that is optimised for SEO-friendly URLs.
CSS clamp can be used to add fluid typography to your website with just one line of CSS. This approach enables web developers to use font sizes that are tailored for every device.
Correctly sizing images is a key part of creating engaging imagery on a website. Our tool allows designers and developers to scale images across different device sizes, whilst keeping the same proportion and showing the best part of the image.
Find millions of high-quality, royalty-free stock photos from Pexels, Pixabay and Unsplash. Our tool is great for finding images for your website, blog, and social media.
Pixels and REM are two common measurements used in the build of a website. During the handover process, web designers and developers can convert font size measurements from pixels (PX) into REM.
A typographic scale can add a visual hierarchy to your website and direct users towards completing a conversion. Simply select a type scale of your choice and grab the responsive CSS code for your website.
Use our word counter to optimise SEO meta or ensure your essay hits the brief. Plus, you can make your blog posts or presentations more perceivable using our reading / speaking time calculator.
If you have new tool idea or a suggestion for improvement, we would love to hear from you today.
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